Monday, December 6, 2010

Tale of 2 Packages

fakari productions presents

Who says we have nothing in common?! Apart from history, culture, language, food and a dozen other things, what we also have in common is our sub-standard postal services! So this is the tale of 2 packages. One that reached Mumbai from Lahore and the other that reached Lahore from Mumbai. It roughly took a month for the final destination to be traveled by each little parcel. Inspite of being severely tattered upon arrival, it still managed not to lose the warmth and love in which it was parceled :)

On the way it made a history of its own and must have its own fun story to share. We just leave with our little story. Of a friendship that no boundary can blur or no politics can cheapen. We hope you can find your own Mumore express too. It is one of the best rides you can ever possibly experience. If you don’t believe it try it out for yourself. After all what have you got to lose?